Steam Rooms

We offer a wide range of steam rooms and steam showers, all designed and built in Sweden using the finest materials and incorporating the latest technology.

What Is A Steam Room?

A steam room, also known as a steam bath, is a space specifically designed for the purpose of experiencing wet heat sessions. Unlike a sauna, where dry heat is used, a steam room produces moist heat by emitting steam into the enclosed space. This moist heat is created by heating water to produce steam, which is then dispersed throughout the room.

How Does A Steam Room Work?

The function of a steam room is relatively simple. It involves the following key components: 

  • Steam Generator: This is the heart of the steam room, responsible for heating water and producing steam. It can be powered by electricity or natural gas positioned and installed outside of the steam room.
  • Control Panel: Users can control the temperature, humidity, and duration of their steam session through a user-friendly control panel.
  • Seating and Ventilation: Steam rooms are typically equipped with benches or seating, allowing users to sit or recline comfortably. Proper ventilation ensures that fresh air is circulated.

Types Of Steam Rooms

Steam rooms have been cherished for centuries for their ability to promote relaxation and well-being. These heat therapy rooms come in various types, each offering a range of benefits and experiences. Here some of the most popular designs on the market.

Traditional Steam Rooms

Traditional steam rooms are often found in gyms, spas, and wellness centers. They generate steam by heating water to produce a high humidity environment. These steam rooms typically feature tiled walls and benches for sitting or reclining. The high humidity and warmth help open up your pores, promote sweating, and detoxify your body.

Ancient Charm: Traditional steam rooms have been a part of human culture for centuries. They harken back to the Roman thermae and Turkish hammams, known for their opulent architecture and social gatherings.

Architectural Elegance: These steam rooms often feature domed ceilings, tiled walls, and tiered seating. The architectural beauty adds to the overall ambiance.

Heated by Generators: Traditional steam rooms rely on steam generators to produce the steam, allowing for precise control of temperature and humidity.

Home Steam Shower

Home steam showers are compact units designed for residential use, offering the convenience of steam therapy in your own space.

Budget-Friendly: They are often a more budget-friendly option compared to installing a traditional steam room.

Easy Maintenance: Home steam showers are relatively easy to maintain, making them a practical choice for homeowners.

Tylö catalogue

Sauna, steam, and infrared solutions that integrate seamlessly with your home.

With a huge passion for sauna and wellness, a solid foundation in traditional craftsmanship, and a wealth of industry knowledge, Tylö always strives to create the best possible products – changing our customers’ lives in the process. When you invest in our designs, you’re not just buying a sauna or steam room: you’re making an investment in your health and future.

10 Steam Room Benefits

Steam rooms offer several potential health and relaxation benefits. Here are some of the key advantages:

Relaxation and Stress Relief

Steam rooms create a calming environment that can help reduce stress and promote relaxation. The warm, moist air can soothe both the body and mind, leading to a sense of tranquility.

Improved Circulation

The heat in a steam room causes blood vessels to dilate, which can improve circulation. This can be particularly beneficial for people with circulation issues or those looking to promote cardiovascular health.

Skin Health

Steam can open up pores and help cleanse the skin of impurities and dead skin cells. This can lead to a clearer complexion and healthier-looking skin.

Respiratory Benefits

Steam inhalation can be helpful for individuals with respiratory issues like allergies, asthma, or congestion. It can help loosen mucus and ease breathing.

Muscle Relaxation

The warmth of a steam room can relax muscles and ease tension. It can be especially beneficial for athletes or those who engage in strenuous physical activity.


Sweating in a steam room helps the body eliminate toxins through the skin. This can support the body’s natural detoxification processes.

Pain Relief

Steam rooms may provide relief from certain types of pain, including arthritis pain and muscle aches, by promoting muscle relaxation and reducing inflammation.

Weight Loss

While not a primary method for weight loss, spending time in a steam room can lead to temporary water weight loss due to sweating. It’s essential to rehydrate afterward.

Better Sleep

The relaxation and stress reduction achieved in a steam room can contribute to improved sleep quality for some individuals.

Social and Recreational Benefits

Steam rooms can be social spaces, allowing people to connect and unwind together. They are often found in spa and wellness facilities, creating a pleasant environment for socializing and relaxation.

It’s important to note that while steam rooms offer numerous potential benefits, they may not be suitable for everyone. People with certain medical conditions (e.g., heart problems, high blood pressure, or respiratory conditions) should consult a healthcare professional before using a steam room. Additionally, it’s crucial to drink plenty of water before and after using a steam room to stay hydrated, as sweating can lead to fluid loss.

Steam Room Design

Designing a steam room involves careful planning to create a comfortable and functional space that provides the desired steam experience. Here are some key considerations for designing a steam room:


Choose a suitable location for your steam room. It should be easily accessible and have proper ventilation to allow for air exchange. Ideally, it should be close to bathroom facilities.

Size and Layout:

Determine the size of your steam room based on the available space and your needs. Standard residential steam rooms typically range from 1.2×1.2m to 1.8×1.8m. Consider the layout of benches, seating, and any additional features you want to include.

Seating and Benches:

Design comfortable and ergonomic seating arrangements. Use moisture-resistant materials like tiled or stone benches. Ensure adequate space for lounging or sitting.

Steam Generator:

Choose an appropriately sized steam generator based on the size of your steam room. The generator should be located outside the steam room and easily accessible for maintenance.

For a complex steam room design or if you have specific requirements, it’s advisable to consult with a professional architect or interior designer experienced in steam room design.

Remember that safety, comfort, and proper ventilation are paramount in steam room design. By carefully considering these factors, you can create a steam room that provides a relaxing and enjoyable experience.

Steam Room Installation

If you want to enjoy steam bathing in your own home, Tylö can offer you a wide range of options.

From a steam column that, in conjunction with a glazed door, roof and a couple of glazed panels will convert any niche into a steam room, to a large custom fitted steam room for any number of bathers, Tylö have an installation that will fit your home and your lifestyle.

At a purely practical level, your steam room will need plumbing, drainage and electricity. The steam generator will need to be in a dry and well ventilated space, but that can be up to 15 meters away from the steam room itself. Every Tylö steam room is beautifully designed and finished in the best materials; an attractive feature, wherever you choose to install it.

Some popular locations for a steam room.

A steam shower, self-contained steam room such as the Panacea or Vista, or a steam and sauna combination from the Panacea Twin range, will fit beautifully in a luxury en-suite bathroom. Not only can they make a strong design statement, they also provide relaxation, health and beauty therapy in your own, calm, oasis.

If you have a home gym or health spa, then a Tylö steam room will be a perfect addition to the facilities and steam bathing after exercise will ease your muscles and help avoid injury or stiffness. A steam room works particularly well in a swimming pool room giving an air of total luxury and showing commitment to health and wellbeing.

Other things to consider when installing a steam room.

Steam rooms cause very few problems within a house if correctly installed. The steam room must be well insulated and be able to be sealed so that the steam isn’t able to escape into the rest of the house. Both steam showers and steam rooms are extremely reliable and require little maintenance and running costs are low.

Steam Room Generator

Steam rooms and steam showers are, like saunas, a way of sweat bathing in order to relax the muscles, cleanse your body of impurities and toxins and to relax the mind. Whereas a sauna and infrared sauna are predominantly a dry heat at a high temperature, a steam bath is maintained at a lower temperature but at almost 100% humidity.

The bather is enveloped and caressed by thick clouds of steam that swirl around the steam room or steam shower and the steam generator is the device that produces that steam. A steam generator is, in fact, a relatively straightforward device and as such they are reliable and need little maintenance.

The steam generator consists of a tank for holding water, an inlet for fresh water and an outlet for the steam. At the base of the water tank there is an electrical element to boil the water. The electrical rating of that element determines the size or power of the steam generator and therefore the amount of steam it can produce.  So up to this point, yes, we are talking about a large kettle. 

However, in order for the steam pressure to build up, the water tank is airtight and therefore needs to be extremely strong. After all, build a large enough sealed boiler and you have a steam train. The water tanks are usually made from welded steel and will be fitted with a pressure release valve for absolute safety.

How does the process work? 

Water is fed into the water tank through a solenoid-controlled valve, which is driven by a water level sensor in the tank. The water supply can be either hot or cold. Cold works fine although a hot supply will allow the steam to build up a little more quickly. The heating element boils the water and generates the steam.  As the steam pressure builds up, it passes through the output pipe that is connected to the steam shower or steam room.  The steam generator can be up to 15 meters away from the steam bath. 

Steam Room Buying And Cost

Tylö steam rooms and steam showers are wonderful places for relaxation and being enveloped in clouds of warm, soothing steam is the perfect antidote to the stresses of modern life.

Steam bathing is good for easing muscle tension, cleansing and detoxifying and can benefit your circulation. It can help with breathing difficulties such as bronchitis, asthma and sinus problems and, with the addition of essential oils, can be used for aromatherapy. Before choosing which Tylö steam room is right for you though, there are a few things to consider

Where to install your steam?

A steam room can be installed almost anywhere in your house although they are most suited to being in an en-suite bathroom, a home gym, health spa or perhaps your pool room if you have one. Your steam room or steam shower will need plumbing, drainage and electricity. The actual steam generator can be placed up to 15 meters from the steam room itself and should be somewhere dry and well ventilated.

The size of your steam room?

Tylö can provide you with steam bathing in three, slightly different formats. Where space is at a premium, we would recommend a steam column or steam shower. These can easily be fitted in nay space large enough to accommodate a traditional shower. If you have a little more space then perhaps you should look at the Panacea or Impression models, which are self-contained steam rooms constructed from modular panels. Larger installations can be ordered to your own specification with a custom design and can be built to accommodate any number of bathers from 4 to 50.

Other considerations when buying a steam room.

Steam rooms cause very few problems within a house if correctly installed. The steam room must be well insulated and be able to be sealed so that the steam isn’t able to escape into the rest of the house. A total seal isn’t necessary, as some air will need to enter the room. Both steam showers and steam rooms are extremely reliable and require little maintenance and running costs are low. If there are specific questions that you would like to ask us, please use one of the contact buttons below.

What does it cost to run a steam room?

Steam rooms and steam shower are surprisingly economical to run and once installed they should require very little maintenance. The cost of running your steam room will vary dependent on its size and therefore the size of the steam generator that you are using.

A small steam shower could be run from a 2.2kW steam generator. A typical home steam room might use a 6kW generator. Giving the room or shower time to warm up and then taking a 20minute bathing session would therefore cost somewhere between 16p and 45p – given an electricity cost of 25p per kWh.

Other than regular cleaning, the only other cost would be to run Tylö de-scaling agent through the generator. How often this would need to be done would depend on how hard the water is in your particular area.

Steam Room Maintenance

Steam room maintenance is crucial to ensure its optimal functionality and safety. Regularly clean and disinfect the steam room to prevent mold and bacteria growth. Wipe down all surfaces with a mild, non-abrasive cleaner, and pay special attention to the steam generator and steam nozzles. Check for any water leaks and promptly address them to prevent structural damage.

Inspect the heating elements and replace them if they show signs of wear or damage. Verify that the thermostat and control panel are working correctly to maintain the desired temperature and steam levels. Clean or replace the air intake vents and fans to ensure proper air circulation.

Additionally, inspect the seating, benches, and flooring for wear and tear, and repair or replace them as needed. Regularly check the door seals to prevent steam from escaping and wasting energy.

Lastly, adhere to the manufacturer’s recommended maintenance schedule, which may include professional inspections and servicing. Proper steam room maintenance not only extends its lifespan but also ensures a safe and enjoyable experience for users.

Steam Room Cleaning

The Importance of Steam Room Cleaning

Imagine stepping into a steam room filled with mold, mildew, and grime. Not very inviting, is it? Regular cleaning isn’t just about aesthetics; it’s about hygiene and safety. Here’s why it matters:

  • Hygiene Matters: Steam rooms create a warm, humid environment that can become a breeding ground for bacteria and mold. Cleaning prevents the buildup of these unsavory elements.
  • Health and Safety: A clean steam room is a safe steam room. Dirty surfaces can become slippery, posing a risk to users. Moreover, mold and mildew can trigger allergies and respiratory issues.
  • Maintaining Equipment: Your steam room generator and ventilation system work hard to provide a relaxing experience. Cleaning helps extend their lifespan and keeps them running efficiently.

Steam Room Safety And Etiquette

Steam rooms offer a sanctuary of warmth and relaxation, providing numerous benefits for both the body and mind. However, to fully enjoy this oasis, it’s vital to be mindful of steam room safety and etiquette.

Safety should always come first. Before entering a steam room, it’s crucial to stay hydrated, especially since the heat can lead to dehydration. Individuals with underlying medical conditions, such as heart problems or respiratory issues, should consult their doctors before using a steam room. It’s also important to limit your time inside to around 15-20 minutes to prevent overheating. Wearing appropriate attire, like a swimsuit or a clean towel, ensures modesty and hygiene. Remove jewelry to avoid burns, and during your session, find a comfortable position, breathe deeply, and be aware of the temperature. If you ever feel dizzy or uncomfortable, exit promptly.

Equally important is observing proper steam room etiquette. Maintaining a quiet atmosphere is essential, as many come to steam rooms seeking tranquility and relaxation. Respecting the personal space of others and refraining from using electronic devices like phones is courteous. Before entering, take a shower to remove sweat and oils, and avoid applying lotions or oils inside the steam room, as they can disrupt the steam generator.

By following these safety guidelines and practicing etiquette, you can create a harmonious environment that allows everyone to fully enjoy the soothing benefits of a steam room.

Steam Room Accessories

Stepping into a steam room is like entering a sanctuary of relaxation and rejuvenation. The enveloping warmth and humidity work together to soothe your body and ease your mind. But to truly elevate this therapeutic experience, one needs the right steam room accessories. These carefully chosen add-ons can transform a simple steam bath into a luxurious retreat, offering comfort, convenience, and sensory delight. Whether you’re a regular steam enthusiast or someone new to this world of wellness, exploring the world of steam room accessories is an exciting journey that promises to enhance your steam room experience in ways you never thought possible. From steam generators to aromatherapy dispensers and everything in between, let’s embark on a discovery of the essential elements that make your time in the steam room an indulgent escape from the stresses of everyday life. 

Here are some popular steam room accessories: 

Steam Generator: The heart of a steam room, a steam generator produces the steam necessary for your steam bath. Ensure you choose one with the right capacity for your room size. 

Steam Room Door: A well-sealed door is essential to keep the steam from escaping. Look for a door made of tempered glass and stainless steel hardware. 

Steam Room Lighting: Install waterproof and heat-resistant LED lights to create a soothing ambiance in your steam room. You can also opt for color-changing lights for a customizable experience. 

Steam Room Bench or Seating: Comfortable seating is a must. Tylo offer a range of Corian benches, alternatively steam benches of tiles and mosaic are popular choices as they are resistant to moisture. We never recommend any type of wood for a steam room. 

Water Softener: A water softener will help to remove calcium, magnesium, and certain other metal cations in hard water. The resulting soft water is more compatible with steam and extends the lifetime of your steam generator.

Fragrance System: Adding aroma will enhance the therapeutic properties that make your steam bath a truly gratifying experience.

Steam Room History

Sweat bathing has been popular in many cultures throughout the world for hundreds and hundreds of years. The Finns have of course laid claim to the sauna as their preferred method of sweat bathing and the American Indians had sweat lodges that were being used at about the same time as the first sauna. The history of steam bathing, which uses a lower temperature but much greater humidity, can be traced back to the Romans and the Turks although its likely that these two groups popularised and absorbed into their cultures something that had already been taking place for generations before within Greek society.

Looking for information or do you have a specific question?

We find that most of our customers like to talk through the options available either directly with us or through one of our dealers. Our dealer network covers the country.

We look forward to hearing from you and helping you to choose your perfect sauna.

Please call us direct on 01271 378 100 or use the contact form below.

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